Prep for Edinburgh Air Show

Well the Edinburgh Airshow is just over 3 weeks away in the 5dme team getting ready for this major event. The media trailer is being prepared and cleaned and leave and get a lick of new paint. Neal and I will be doing a studio test this weekend.
(Photo: New PA (Production Assistant position. As you see we have further painting to complete.)
The new PA position will be a great boost to workflow as from here videos can be cued for play-out and chyrons (names and info) can be superimposed on the screen. This leaves the Director to do the vision switching from the control desk.
For compliance and safety after our refit of the van, our electrical tag and testing will be done within a couple of weeks and all being well we should be go for Edinburgh.
As we go through the process we’ll post some photos for you to follow the progress.
It’s been a big challenge in a short time. I think we’ve done well and look forward to the Air Show.