Just over 5 days to go until Minlaton

The 5DME team is having its last pre-event meeting today where we will sort out the last of the logistics regarding what goes, what stays and how to get it there.
Our Mobile Media Unit (MMU) will be travelling over on Friday and initial set-up and other preparations will take place.
We have to check our mobile link to make sure there is adequate signal, set up the studio and marquee.
On the Saturday we set up cameras and MMU in the main street at Minlaton so we can live stream at various points during the day. Plus, we’ll be recording some great interviews for the web site.
Sunday, the MMU travels to the airfield and again is set up for live studio operations (Signal permitting) and more interviews and vision from the day’s event.
There will be flying and static displays and lots to see and do. So, the team is in full swing for this event and we look forward to seeing you there.