Adelaide Airport – James Schofield Drive is being Bitumised

Aviation Media and News since 2008


19th May 2011, Work crews are currently in the process of bitumising James Schofield Drive. Road works areas are 25kph whilst work is in progress. The roadway is being widened to four lanes as part of the Adelaide Airport Redevelopment Plan and Multi Level Car Park which is under construction.

Please watch out for the road crews and adhere to any speed limits and signage.

Once work on James Schofield Drive is completed the current main entrance road (Sir Richard Williams Avenue) will be closed after the first roundabout and traffic will enter the airport via the main entrance and be diverted along James Schofield Drive. Traffic will then turn south along the roadway being constructed across the old General Aviation area to the second roundabout near the current short term car park. This will then allow crews to start work on the roadway and realignment for the new multi level car park on the closed section of Sir Richard Williams Avenue.

The above graphic is compiled from information 5DME receive regarding the development from various sources and may vary as time passes. Times, dates and details of individual road closures/restrictions and ingress/egress from the airport should be sought from Adelaide Airport

Photos by Kirstie Hales