Airport Watch Program
Adelaide Airport participated in an operational trial of the Airport Watch program in early 2010. This was a joint venture between OTS, AFP, SAPOL and AAL. Upon completion of the trial a report would be compiled and decisions made as to the full scale roll-out of the program across airports Australia-wide.
The trial involved many stake-holders including tenants of the airport and their staff. It also extended to other airport users:-
- Taxi Drivers
- Airport Retailers
- Couriers and Freight Operators
- Aviation Enthusiast Community
Even passengers and airport visitors can play a part in keeping our airports safe.

One of the leading concepts to put forward is: "SEE IT, HEAR IT, REPORT IT!" This is a key component of the Airport Watch program. When we see or hear something suspicious, one tends to first try and rationalise what is being seen. To find all the reasons in one's own mind why that person may be doing what they are doing.
The aim of Airport Watch is to get this information as quickly as possible to a central point. Educating observers of suspicious activity to "SEE IT, HEAR IT, REPORT IT!" is one of the main objectives of the Airport Watch program.
Operational Trial Completed
The Operational Trial was conducted over 4-6 weeks and included feedback from those involved during the trial period and in a final summary upon its completion. From this information a report will be compiled. The results are looking very positive for an Australia-wide roll-out of Airport Watch.
The OTS still has to finalise the Airport Watch Operational Trial Report and will follow-up with stake holders upon its completion.
Airport Watch at Adelaide
Adelaide Airport has embraced the Airport Watch program with much enthusiasm. A Sub-Committee will meet at regular intervals to monitor and help steer the program to maintain positive outcomes and ongoing relationships with those involved.

Your input is important...
If you see:- suspicious behaviour, unattended items, abandoned vehicles
or you hear:- anything out of the ordinary that may be suspicious...
Once you have made the report authorities will then take any appropriate action. It may be that the person that appears to be acting suspiciously is known and has a legitimate reason for being there. Then again, the issue might require more attention and security patrols may attend.
Whatever the outcome...
No-one will be dismissive of you or think you are silly. Remember, security is a job for these trained staff and following up on your report is that job. They are professionals at what they do and your input will be appreciated.
Aviation Enthusiast Community
Airport Watch is not aimed at legitimate users of the Airport. 5DME encourage aviation enthusiasts to maintain a positive, productive and helpful relationship with airport security. Remember, you as a legitimate enthusiast at our airports are those extra eyes that may see or hear something out of the ordinary.
Future of Airport Watch
Currently, Adelaide Airport is the only airport to be running an active Airport Watch program after adopting the process and model that was trialled in April-May 2010. Other airports will no doubt follow this lead and any national roll-out by OTS.
More information on Airport Watch
Several videos about the Airport Watch Trial are available HERE
(NOTE: The Airport Watch sign depicted above is a 5DME artists impression of an Airport Watch road sign. The final design of the sign may differ from the one shown. Photos are also simulated examples and used for illustrative purposes only. 5DME is an active participant in the Airport Watch Program.)