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Listing of Aviation Events in South Australia

The 5DME team are more than happy to assist in the positive promotion of aviation events in South Australia. If you know of any aviation events or your organisation would like their event listed here, please contact us. If you don't have your own web page for the event, 5DME will place one here on our site for FREE and you can advertise the link to promote your event. We can even produce videos and take photos or conduct interviews with your team or committee representatives for display on the Internet.




1-November-2014 Clare Valley Aerodrome Opening - Bookings for Dinner ESSENTIAL. Official opening at 2.30pm.




15-April-2015 Barossa Air Show


TBA Jamestown Air Show  


5DME Support ALL aspects of aviation in the community

Remember, 5DME is happy to assist in the positive promotion of aviation events in South Australia. If you know of any aviation events or your organisation would like their event listed here, please contact us. If you don't have your own web page for the event, 5DME will place one here on our site and you can advertise the link to promote your event. All at no charge!

We will send our photographers, video crews and reporters depending on what is required for the particular event. Any material we produce, we are more than happy to provide for your group to utilise in the promotion of aviation in South Australia. (Conditions may apply, please enquire).

Note: 5DME do not charge to promote aviation events. It is our aim to positively promote the aviation sector to enthusiasts and the wider community. Especially, when events benefit the community.


5DME would like to acknowledge ODLWEB for designing and hosting this site.

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